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How to Sell on Instagram

Instagram has more than 600 million active users who skew young, urban, and female. If at least one of those qualities fits your customer demographic, Instagram can be a powerful sales channel to sell your product. Sound attractive? Here is an overview to get you started. Create a Memorable Brand…
rebecca kowalewicz
March 8, 2017

Five Common Website Mistakes and How to Fix Them

It’s simple to build a website these days with the advent of platforms like Wix and Wordpress streamlining the process. But an exceedingly good website that fulfills its purpose and meets business goals is not so easy. Here are the top five website mistakes we find most often on business…
rebecca kowalewicz
January 31, 2017

An Introduction to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Focusing on search engine optimization, SEO, helps your website rank higher in organic search results, making your website more visible to people be looking for your brand, product, or service via search engines. Is it still relevant? Yes! The strategies and algorithms may have changed, but it is not likely that…
rebecca kowalewicz
December 28, 2016