We all know that running a social media channel for business is entirely different than running an account for personal use. It’s not a “set it and forget it” way of marketing but rather a strategic way to gain new customers, become a part of the community of existing customers, and also extend your brand’s presence and voice in the social space.
It’s safe to say that most companies, regardless of size, are using social media to market their business, but utilizing these online networks correctly can be tricky. The world of social media can be unforgiving, and making a mistake can result in negative brand perception, potential loss of sales, and overall bad PR.
As social media is ever-changing, we must adapt to new technologies and processes. However, there are also some staple tips that can help you keep up successfully your brand’s presence on social media. Check out our experts’ five tips to avoid social media marketing failure.
Be present on multiple platforms.
Being on every social platform doesn’t necessarily make sense for every organization, but it’s important to spread your online presence as wide as it properly fits as long as you’re using social media platforms where your current or intended audiences are spending time. Investigate what platforms competitors are on and review how well their content performs there.
Switch it up.
Mix up your content and take a deep dive into its performance to determine what types of content resonate with your audience. Keep a fresh mix of videos, animations, graphics, and photography, and also have some fun switching up your captions as well. If you feel like your account is stagnant, then your audience might be thinking the same thing.
Additionally, avoid posting the same exact copy and creative across all of your platforms. Why would somebody go to your Facebook account if they know you have the same thing on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn? Understanding the audience and what they expect from your content across each social medium is important as well.
Avoid inactivity.
Stay away from too much inactivity. While you do not want to over-post, going silent can be detrimental to your page.
Post as frequently as you can consistently publish quality content. This will vary by company, the size of your creative team, and how much content your audience will tolerate. It could be three times a week or even seven days a week, but regardless of how much you post, always check your page’s analytics to determine if you’re posting too much, not enough, or the right amount.
About self-promotion…
All too often, we see a business or brand post how great they are. Look, we love any business that is positive and firmly believes that they are making a difference with its product or services. Who doesn’t? But people don’t like bragging, especially if that doesn’t fit in with your overall brand. Yes, there are definitely key times to promote your company and your services, but you should also focus on building a relationship with your audience to avoid social media marketing failure. Informative and entertaining posts, comment interactions, and more are all great ways to form a close bond with the people digesting your content.
And about automation…
Technology can work wonders and make running a social media channel easier, but it can also hurt your brand. Setting up automated replies to Facebook messages can make your brand seem robotic and inauthentic. People want to know they’re talking to real people.
On the other hand, it’s worthwhile to use resources like Hootsuite or Later to schedule content. It’s sometimes difficult to keep up with all of your content, and scheduling the posts in advance will take a lot of weight off of your shoulders.
Strive for social media success.
Social media is no easy path to navigate, but staying genuine and connected with your audience will put you on the road to success.
Still unsure of what direction to take your social media presence? Contact Clearbridge Branding Agency, and you’ll get a team of social media experts that will guide your business through the ever-changing waters of social media.